Philosophical Objections to God and the Bible

A good discussion for some of these issues can be found in the book No Doubt About It: The Case for Christianity by Winfried Corduan. Despite the title, this book does not give snap answers. The chapters start with questions & challenges heard by the author, followed by careful thought, and ended with conclusions.

I will take on hard subjects including those that bother me.                                                                                                                                                                        Upcoming Writings:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Why doesn’t God just show up in an obvious way that leaves no doubt? (sometimes called the hiddenness of God objection)

What about those who never hear about Jesus?

Why do the “good” die young sometimes? (An issue that hits home for me) 

Was the Bible written by males for males?

Philosophical Objections to God and the Bible

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  • Philosophical objections to God and the Bible
Are the Miracles Described in The Bible Possible? If They Are, Why Have I Never Seen Any?

November 23, 2024

I will define a miracle as an event that cannot be explained by natural laws or behaviors. Bible examples include: the sea parting for Moses and his people, a lost borrowed axe head floating to the top of the water, Jesus healing a man’s withered hand, and Peter finding a coin in a fish’s mouth for his and Jesus’ tax payment. Three common objections to the possibility of miracles are: 1. Science laws are predictable and consistent. Miracles are rare deviations. Rarity equals impossibility. 2. Science laws cannot be broken. 3. I have never seen any miracles. 1. Rarity does…